Inserting a textarea

Refer to the TEXTAREA in the Reference area (Using the Reference tab) for a full description of this tag's properties and what it is used for.

To insert a textarea:

  1. Click on the Insert > Forms > Textarea menu option.

  2. Fill in the insertion form as per the Reference area help for this tag. Most fields are optional. The following items are not included in the help:

    • Wrap Text? - Allows a text that is longer than the window size to be displayed on more than one line (Netscape only). The following options are available:

      • off - Text is not wrapped inside the box unless the user inserts a carriage return with the Enter key.

      • virtual - Text is wrapped inside the box, but sent to the server as a single string without extra carriage returns. This is the default setting.

      • physical - Text is wrapped inside the box and carriage returns are added at the end of each line when the information is sent to the server.

  3. Click on the OK button.

    Click to display image